Background Checks on Companies & Officers

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Identify Criminal Activity
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Uncover Civil Litigations
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Reveal Financial Issues
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Analyze Reputation Risks

Comprehensive business background checks that can identify risky businesses and help protect your company's reputation.

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Results of a business background check on a company including Breach of Contract litigation against the company and criminal charges filed against the company owner

Trusted by Industry Leaders Since 1996

report features

Minimize Risk. Maximize Confidence.


Criminal & Civil Searches


Criminal Charges

Identify criminal charges or convictions associated with a company or its officers.


Civil Litigation

Reveal ongoing or past civil lawsuits involving the company or its officers.


Global Sanctions & Watchlists

Check for KYC and AML compliance risk based on 1,400+ sources.


County, Federal, and National Searches:

Uncover criminal or civil litigation at the county, federal, or national level.


Financial Searches


Business Credit Report

Gain an overview of a company’s creditworthiness and financial health.


National Bankruptcy, Lien & Judgement Records

Reveal financial risk exposure associated with companies and officers.


Lien Searches

Identify and current or pending liens filed against the company or its owners.


State & County UCC Records Searches

Reveal Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings that signal risk.


Corporate & Identity Verification


Corporate Record Verification

Validate the legitimacy and registration details of the company.


Company Profile & Ownership Information

Gain detailed insights about the company's structure and its key owners.


Officer or Executive Identity Verification

Confirm the identities and credentials of the company's key officers.


Address and Name History Trace

Track the historical addresses and name changes associated with the company and its owners.


Reputation Searches


Social Media Background Check on Officer

Review the social media presence and activity of the company's officers for reputational insights.


Negative News Articles

Highlight any adverse media coverage or negative news about the company and its owners.


Professional License Violations

See any violations or sanctions against the professional licenses held by the company's officers.

Reputation search mockup
Blog Post mockupFinancial Advisor License Violation mockup

Background Screening Experts since 1996

Worried about getting burned by a bad business relationship? We understand.

Year Founded

We are a fully-licensed private investigation firm based in Cleveland, OH. We've assisted companies with due diligence background checks since 1996.

Ohio Department of Public Safety Private Investigator Seal
Clients Served

Many of the world's most innovative and successful organizations trust Business Screen for our comprehensive screening, industry-leading searches, and superior customer service.

Ohio Department of Public Safety Private Investigator Seal
Countries We Cover

We can conduct background checks in almost every country and territory by utilizing our global network of information sources. Regardless of the originating country, we can translate public record information for our clients.

Ohio Department of Public Safety Private Investigator Seal
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Get to Know Our Business Background Check Software

Our business background check software reveals hidden risks so you can make decisions with confidence.

Submit discreet requests online

Using minimal information, discretely order comprehensive reports on businesses and officers without subjects being notified.

Integrate with your software via API

Easily implement our services into your existing technology.

Communicate directly with investigators

Get a direct line of communication with our professional investigators, all through our intuitive platform that makes due diligence simple and organized.

Continuously monitor for risk

Stay updated with our continuous monitoring feature, which routinely checks for new issues, keeping your operations secure and informed.

Get Started Today!

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Easily Identify Risks
An icon of a dollar sign with a line slashed through it indicating no fees
No Sign Up Fees
A document with a checkmark
Investigator Verified Results
A clock icon with a lightning bolt indicating quick turnaround
48 Hour Turn-Around
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